PRP, or platelet-rich plasma treatment has gained popularity due to its ability to promote healing and relieve joint pain or inflammation. A successful PRP therapy will trigger the natural healing mechanism of your body. So, how does it help you reduce inflammation and joint pain?
How does PRP treatment work?

The therapist uses your own blood for this therapy. He then processes the platelets or other curative components separated from your blood. He injects the concentrated PRP into your joint to alleviate pain and inflammation.
Adverse effects of inflammation on your health-
Though acute inflammation promotes the healing process, too much inflammation causes damaging effects. Chronic inflammation can result in heart disorders, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other medical problems.
Chronic inflammation appears to be acute inflammation in the beginning. However, it stops when you have recovered from injury. On the other hand, chronic inflammation adversely affects your healthy tissues. So, if your joints have chronic inflammation, it will lead to faster damage to your joints.
PRP therapy to prevent chronic inflammation-
The presence of several growth factors or tiny proteins in PRP activates the generation of cells that reduce inflammatory symptoms. Growth factors can work in several other ways to restore damaged tissues of your body. They will cause faster healing, and you can get rid of symptoms.
As the source of PRP is your own blood, you may not have allergic issues. PRP also prevents arthritis and musculoskeletal injuries (such as sprains).
Scientists once conducted a whose gastrocnemius muscles were injured by transverse incision. They treated these rats with PRP. Besides, they used eosin and hematoxylin to check the restoration process of the muscles.
Researchers concluded that PRP could improve the muscle healing mechanism.
Can PRP reduce joint pain
In conducted for more than 5000 patients, scientists noticed a reduction in joint pain and other osteoarthritis symptoms due to PRP. They have also found the effectiveness of PRP in eliminating musculoskeletal issues.
Let us now see how PRP alleviates your joint pain.
By using anti-inflammatory proteins, PRP therapists help you reduce joint inflammation. That is why you can get rid of intense pain. This treatment also promotes cell growth while repairing damaged tissues.
Moreover, it facilitates the flow of blood to your affected joint. As the process removes toxins and wastes from your joint, you can avoid inflammatory conditions.
So, PRP is best for treating inflammation and joint pain caused by different conditions. PRP is also recommendable for osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tennis elbow. As this therapy involves a non-surgical process, there is no risk of side effects or other complications. The recovery period is also short because you do not need to undergo surgical treatment.
The therapy promotes natural healing and ensures a long-lasting result. Your condition will improve over time after going through PRP therapists. Consult a PRP therapist to learn how the therapy is effective for treating other health issues.
Contact Information
- 8428 E. Shea Blvd., Ste #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
- (480) 273-2006
- [email protected]